Proof of improvements in audio system sound quality....

i was at a audio store yesterday with my wife. she was very unhappy to be there...

but i told her to stay because of course we are in love. she said she would help me with choosing a audio system on valentines day. but she did not keep her promise.

we had to leave the store early since she had to cook dinner.

so why am i telling you guys this?

its all because i got real expert opinions from a sales person at that audio store.

it was about my last topic ---- tweaks with audio systems

i believe for some time, i have believed that @mahgister was getting great sound quality. 

sure it looks messy, but never judge a book by the cover.... right?

so i asked the sales person about it and he said that the sound quality would be very bad...also he explained the copper tape blocks and other stuff would be bad for music and reduce the clarity of the sound. the sales guy said that @mahgister was crazy. actually i think i get premium sound quality with my earbuds and why build a system anyway?? i think the sales guy at the store is right. 

so what do you guys think is right?? i am lost for words and in complete confusion of my of state in my mind at the moment. i need someone to help explain how to make a less expensive system sound better, truthfully. with no lies at all.

- viper


You want someone knowledgeable not just opinionated. I have no idea why any sales person would offer an opinion on @mahgister ’s system. Just trying to look like he knows what he is talking about? Run.

@ghdprentice perhaps you are placing too much faith that this interchange happened. If I was shown pictures of that system, I am not sure how I would respond. Me biting my tongue and me wanting to say exactly what I thought would be fighting each other along with me asking myself what I did wrong to deserve this customer while my little inner demon licks his lips and says, "we got a live one, daddy's getting a new car."  Not all opinions are equal or even valid.

The easiest way to "learn to listen" is to listen to only music you love, but you may have to search high and low for it.


maghister is the disciple of millercarbon....but millercarbon must be RICH. the other guy is poor so the tweaks are for better family and my brother told me i am also a funny guy.


NO. not true. we have a very good love...better then you!!


i like to drink sprite every day. not much booze. only on family time.


i am NOT crazy. You should look in the MIRROR. 


funny in a BAD way or a GOOD way?? please tell me...


overall you guys are not very useful with helping to figure out my question.

So, I will ask it one more time....

i need someone to help explain how to make a less expensive system sound better, truthfully. with no lies at all.

on th surface i can smell some liars already. I am asking for honesty as the best policy, and nothing else.

do i make myself CLEAR??

- viper

start with a Magic Brick…. just one…. when you post a picture of it in your hand w system in background, i will let you know…. where to place it for best improvement…..