Totem Model 1 vs Totem Arro

These two Totem speaker models had more or less the same price, and it was natural to choose between the two when one was interested in the Canadian brand.
The Arro is still currently on Totems catalog but the Model 1 is only available on the Signature version, much more expensive.
I have the Arro (love’em) and I wonder if the Model 1 is superior, specially in the bass quality?

Does anyone have any experience in comparing these two models?



@akg_ca, it is funny, my dealer has the Rega Osiris always ready for a listen, and for a moment I thought of asking him to connect it to the Model 1 but my wallet conscience stopped me. I knew that I would like it a lot but it is 8000+ euros!

I just connected the Vincent for the weekend, so let’s see how it goes :)

I had been in touch with a company that sells Totem as I was interested in those speakers having heard the Totem Sky in a demonstration. They told me that Totem was coming out with a new speaker, the Bison in around the same price area for the bookshelf version. Don't know anything about it and haven't heard it but you might want to investigate. 

Here is a link to the announcement:

Can I ask what amplifier do you use with the Model1?


I can’t recall but it would be either the Audio Research LS16/Plinius SA-100mk3 or Naim NAC202/NAP200/Hicap.

Good to hear that the Model 1s are an improvement to the Arro. That is all that matters. Enjoy.

I owned TOTEMs and I also currently run HARBETH 30.2 XD’s.


Between Model 1 and Harbeth M30.2 pre XD, I would pick the Harbeth. I presume the XD version would sound even better.

I have owned the SHL5 and SHL5+ for more than 10 years and recently moved to the Graham LS5/9 which is the M30.2’s equivalent / direct competitor. I still have a soft spot for M30.2 XD but wish to try something different. I’m sure the Harbeth would sound equally glorious.

There is just something special about the high frequency reproduction or treble quality of the Harbeth particularly the M30.2 versions. It’s smooth as silk as you can’t hear any sibilance, grain or harshness at the top. With other speakers, you hear some grain or sibilance.