Totem Model 1 vs Totem Arro

These two Totem speaker models had more or less the same price, and it was natural to choose between the two when one was interested in the Canadian brand.
The Arro is still currently on Totems catalog but the Model 1 is only available on the Signature version, much more expensive.
I have the Arro (love’em) and I wonder if the Model 1 is superior, specially in the bass quality?

Does anyone have any experience in comparing these two models?



Showing 12 responses by audiofilo123

This Saturday morning I went to my dealer and listened to the Model 1 and I must say that they certainly made a good impression... so good that I will change my Arro for them, this Thursday.
Luckily my stands are the Target R4 that were recommended by Totem, so I expect a good integration with my room and system.
Also I got a pair of used-mint Straight Wire Encore speaker cable and must say they really work with the Arro, so they must be great with the Model 1 and specially the Thiel CS.5, the main reason why I got them. Great cables!

Marco1, seems that we are on the same page, since I am looking for a Plinius 9200 for some time now. In the past I had not one but two 8150 and I surely miss them.

As for the Oval 9 they are a bit pricey for me and hard to find here in Europe.

The Vincent SV237MK works well with the Arro, so I expect a similar result with the Model 1.

Did you ever tried the Totem Truss speaker cables?

@marco1, yes you’re right, if the 9200 is even better than the 8150 then 

it will be a wonderful thing.

@akg_ca, thanks so much for all the information and tips. I had the Chord Odyssey a few years ago, to use with my Naim pre-power amp, but prefered Naim’s own Nac A5.  I will try to borrow some Truss to test at home and report back.

@ryder, I am already listening to the Model 1 in the same place the Arro were last night and fortunately I am enjoying the sound, specially the highs. It is a much more transparent speaker, with a larger soundstage and more robust bass. But above all, it is the depth that surprises me the most.

Can I ask what amplifier do you use with the Model1?

@akg_ca, I didn’t knew about the existence of a Totem integrated amplifier neither the connection with Sim Audio! Thanks :)

I have enjoyed all Celeste / Sim Audio / Moon components that I have experienced but never owned any. A few years ago I almost bought a mint  i-5 integrated...

I really enjoyed my Naim rig with the Totem Arro, specially with the Nac A5 speaker cable. Now, that I have the more demanding Model 1, let’s see if the results are equally good.

As I write I am using the Cayin CS-55a (KT88) tube integrated - the last amp that was used with the Arro - with satisfying results, but I suspect that the Vincent SV237MK will do a better  combination, and I also have the Rogue Sphinx and the NAD C275BEE to try.

The Model 1 are so much more transparent with a bigger dimensionality to the sound, that I am really amazed by them. What a magic trick from such a small box!

@akg_ca, it is funny, my dealer has the Rega Osiris always ready for a listen, and for a moment I thought of asking him to connect it to the Model 1 but my wallet conscience stopped me. I knew that I would like it a lot but it is 8000+ euros!

I just connected the Vincent for the weekend, so let’s see how it goes :)

@ryder sure the M30.2 are a bigger and more capable speakers - they are for years on my “to get” list, but they are a out of my reach for now. This Model 1 are mint used, bought from the Totem dealer, so I got a great price, in fact it was the chance to part-exchange the Arro also. I am happy for now.

But your description of the 30.2 highs response certainly make me smile. I am very sensitive to sibilant and hard sounds...

I certainly knew that the Model 1 need power and current to perform well, but I never thought that the 250w/4 ohms Vincent SV237MK, with is (usually) bass heavy sound signature was not enough! They paired ok but nothing to write home about! 

I will change some speaker cables and draw some conclusions...

Finally I am in the position to say a few words about the Model 1: wonderful stuff indeed! 

The upgrade from the Arro is very evident from the first note, the transparency the balance, the superior bass delivery, mid range presence and clear, detailed, non-fatiguing highs... are all signs of a very well balanced speaker, with amazing timbre quality and tridimensional imaging.

Now I understand how this was a shock when they came to market in the early 90’s, and stayed for long on the brands catalogue - the Model 1 Signature still existe. They were (are) not an cheap speaker to make. In fact they are all handmade.

The other day I had to take them to my dealer to move one of the cables on the inside (it was touching the bass reflex tube, making a tiny but audible vibration) and I could se the interior...oh my! My main surprise was that the crossover is a crazy thing (super complex), the drivers (Dynaudio and Seas with mods made by Totem), and WBT binding posts, are connect by a thin cable. After all that, the power loss must high - as they are power hungry - but Totem knows what they’re doing, and the sound quality is a testament of that.

The cabinet is very well made and the synergy with my Target R4 super heavy stands is great.

The Vincent SV237MK was my first amplifier of choice, for the power delivery and sound signature, and it turned out well, very well. After some speaker cables changes it was the (low cost, great value) VanDamme LO-OFC 4mm that help to produce the magic in my room. Sources are the Naim CD5x cd player (with the Flatcap2x power supply) and the Auralic Aries Femto + Denafrips Pontus II. Interconnects are the Belden 8402 with Switchcraft rca plugs.

I almost never use my REL subwoofer, specially with a speaker so pure as the Totem Model 1.

In my room, they are easy to position than the Kef LS50, and require absolute symmetry and distance from the boundaries. 

The first things I noticed (coming from the Kef LS50 and Quad 11L) was the timbre, timing and soundstage! Holy cow! The speakers completely disappeared (no toe-in) and the sound was huge. The decay is much more natural and the voices seem to have more presence, depth and air around. The idea of space around the players/instruments is far more realistic. For exemple: wood chops sound more like wood (with a natural hollowness) and cymbals have a spacial presence and decay very present but totally integrated in the sonic picture.

It is easy to get emotional and listen the same record over and over again...

The Model 1 (in combination with the rest of the system) made clear some mixes and special qualities in some recordings, making them more engaging and clear. 

They are addictive stuff, and I am really happy rediscovering my favorite records.


Thoughts on the Model 1, for another day:

1 - how better can they be with a superior higher current amp, from Sim Audio for example?

2 - what can the Signature model offer more? ...although 

I really don’t care. I am having to much fun :)



@marco1 , I found that also true. I have never been successful in putting any speakers close to the front wall, more than 85cm

In fact, the 1/5 rule, my favorite positioning starting in my room distance the speakers 100cm from the back wall, and it can be up to 115cm.

In the end, I believe that the distances are dictated by the room’s dimensions and acoustics characteristics The Model 1 bass delivery is very very satisfying.