What happened to those dreaded 1099 forms we were going to receive from Paypal?

So, who received a 1099 form from Paypal that everyone was dreading and caused so many to change how they would receive payment? I'm quite curious as I didn't receive one. Didn't know what topic to use so I chose the one with most traffic.

Ag insider logo xs@2xsoundsspectacular

Sold for well over 3k through PayPal, did not get a 1099-K. Those should be mailed out by January 31st, so I doubt I will ever get one👍

We've got some thin skinned snowflakes here. Post a correction to a bunch of misinformed (and I'm being polite) talking points and it gets deleted. Well, it was up long enough for everyone to read so there's that.

All the best,