HIFI Speaker active crossovers ...

Since the speaker and crossover are where most of the distortions and loss come from in the audio path, why has hifi not gone to active crossovers to eliminate these effects. Most active studio monitors and touring PA have... 


To save money! An active circuit is way more complex and costly than stringing together a bunch of caps, chokes and resistors. It requires a power supply - a part of the total cost. 

Hi, please read the 2  dozen discussions in this very forum on this topic. :) Thanks!

Like everything else, there are outstanding and poor examples of each type, and there are pros and cons to each. Many crossovers have to address multiple issues as well as the basic function of blocking low or high frequencies. The execution of the crossover and addressing all of it’s task is more important than the type. Many, many speakers have really dreadful crossovers and lousy parts. Even many that are well engineered still use low grade parts, so ultimately many of us have only been exposed to very poor examples of passive crossovers.

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