What is the current retail cost of your reference system?

It would be interesting to share this as I am not sure some of us understand how decisions are made within the framework of cost and resolution. Please avoid used prices as that muddys the water significantly. Also cabling costs would be revealing as well if willing to share. 


I quit estimating value when I reached $100k, my conscious can bother with this obscene level of conspicuous consumption. And the level of OCD to put it all together, bizarro world!


And then we can approach this from another angle, one can spend $100k plus on a single component. At what level of spending do we enter realm of obscene conspicuous consumption? I'm sure this doesn't even occur to many, just that I know and have known many hard working people struggling to maintain roof over their heads and food on the table.

@sns I completely agree with your thoughts and am in (nearly) the same boat.

I also tend to think that while any of us spend tens of thousands we are also employing many many people.  And paying taxes.

The thing that sort of freaks me out and is way more "obscene conspicuous consumption" is the level of cars/suvs/trucks people buy in my area. 

I could go on but it would only serve to prove nothing...its just an opinion.




Retail for the main system $50.5K, and for the office & patio systems combined $4.1k.  However, I would never pay retail, this hobby way too expensive, far too fast, especially for those touched with OCD.  Most of my components were purchased from dealers, pre-owned as trade-in's, some from audiogon and USaudiomart, and some new. As described by @ghdprentice in other threads, I purchased components of similar quality after alot of research, trial and exchange. This way I was able to achieve a system with relatively good synergy. Only item lacking at the moment are my speakers which are due for an upgrade.  

Why is no one including the cost of their hard copy music? Probably equal to the price of my equipment. 

@dweller This is true, but the vast, vast majority of my vinyl was purchased when a typical album sold for between $3-$10, and many were gifted by people leaving vinyl behind.