Interconnect advice needed


I need an almost 10 feet interconnect between pre amp and power amp. Both with tubes.
I know all cables affects the signal and naturally I I want this effect to be as small as possible.
I've just bought Klipsch Heresy IV and I don't want the cable to emphase the midrange bump in these speakers even more.

Any suggestion for a cable this long max $1000?


@audphile1 OP using tubes components so i guess balanced in/output are not available. 

3m RCA are not recommend but good shield and good cable arrangement will help to reduce interference 

My bad. I stand corrected - RCA it is.
However, RCA in 3m length should not be an issue at all. I’ve used a 4m BlueJeans RCAs and still do use them as a backup without any issues.
My recommendation with Audience stands.

That was a very odd comment. Is my English that bad?

I would love to test these cables made by Chris Van Haus. But it's too much hassle when living in Sweden.

I will actually have a pair of Supras for evaluation this weekend too.

I will try out Wireworld Eclipse 8 this weekend. Do you have any experience of them?

This cabel will not be near any other cables (behind my cd-shelves), so I think it will be fine.

I need 3 meters (about 10 feet) and a budget at $1000. I will have Wireworld Eclipse 8 for test this weekend. But I don't know how much that will say if ghdprentice is right when he says "it takes a couple hundred hours for them to break in".

Yes, I´v heard about the SKW cables. Problem is the thickness. I don't think there is space enough between my CD-shelves and the wall for them.

Exactly, the cabel is to be used between an tube pre amp and a tube power amp.

I don´t think there will be a problem with 3 meter RCA-RCA interconnect. I haven't seen anyone saying so. And why would manufaturers offer this length?

I don't think there will be a problem with a 3 meter (10 feet) RCA-RCA interconnect. If the length was the double maybe I would run in to trouble.

Many votes for checking out Supra. Will be interesting.

The SKW cable look big on the photo but actually it's not, and very flexible as well.

i'm trying to go OCC copper cable as possible, some of my ICs cable even OCC silver