SPDIF Coax cable recommendation?


I'm looking for a recommendation for a coax spdif digital cable.

It will be feeding a Border Patrol SE-i DAC ...either directly from an Ifi Zen Stream (for now) ...or from a Denefrips Iris DDC.

The rest of the system is warm.

Ifi Zen Stream > Denefrips Iris > Border Patrol Dac OR Denefrips Ares ii Dac  > Van Alstine RB10 tube preamp > Van Alstine SET 120 power amp OR Oliver Says 2a3 SET power amp > Fritz Carbon 7 SE mkII loudspeakers

Specifically looking for a rather short cable if possible .  The stream is very close to the DAC...so a somewhat flexible cable would be good.

Also, in keeping with the high value components of the system, I'm not looking for a very expensive or exotic cable.

Thank you



DH Labs, Zavfino, Morrow Audio, or Supra cables are all great “bang for the buck cables. I currently use Morrow for my RCA digital, but am also testing the other brands which I like very much…..IMO all will deliver great sound and not break your bank

Does Zavfino still produce digital cable? I can’t seem to find it on their site.

Also, is the consensus that the Supra & Morrow coax cables will be a marked improvement over the Blue Jeans I’m currently using ?

Look at Triode Wire Labs.  I recently purchased a RCA set for DAC out to my amp..  I could not be happier.  He has a COAX length less than 1 meter and they are very flexible.  About your price max..  

I went through the Morrow Audio thing.  Spent ALOT of $$$ upgrading and such and eventually gave up.  

My 2 cents.  Good Luck.

Lawrence From UPMI

Sorry I double checked the cables, they’re Arcadia analog RCAs. I’ve not heard Blue Jeans cable, so have no direct comparison 

I use an AQ silver coated copper sp/dif cable on one DAC, and for my other DAC a solid silver AQ that was expensive but I got it used so it was maybe 60 bucks. Both perform identically and sound great.