SPDIF Coax cable recommendation?


I'm looking for a recommendation for a coax spdif digital cable.

It will be feeding a Border Patrol SE-i DAC ...either directly from an Ifi Zen Stream (for now) ...or from a Denefrips Iris DDC.

The rest of the system is warm.

Ifi Zen Stream > Denefrips Iris > Border Patrol Dac OR Denefrips Ares ii Dac  > Van Alstine RB10 tube preamp > Van Alstine SET 120 power amp OR Oliver Says 2a3 SET power amp > Fritz Carbon 7 SE mkII loudspeakers

Specifically looking for a rather short cable if possible .  The stream is very close to the DAC...so a somewhat flexible cable would be good.

Also, in keeping with the high value components of the system, I'm not looking for a very expensive or exotic cable.

Thank you



Another vote for Nordost Silver Shadow, or the not too shabby Nordost Blue Heaven. 

DH Labs, Zavfino, Morrow Audio, or Supra cables are all great “bang for the buck cables. I currently use Morrow for my RCA digital, but am also testing the other brands which I like very much…..IMO all will deliver great sound and not break your bank

Does Zavfino still produce digital cable? I can’t seem to find it on their site.

Also, is the consensus that the Supra & Morrow coax cables will be a marked improvement over the Blue Jeans I’m currently using ?