That funky sticky remote

Ok so we’ve all over time had one of those remotes that just deteriorates and gets sticky

i have a Mc c46 many moons old that has a perfect remote.

but my newer mx150 remote already has gone the way of the Chinese rubber.

I almost thought of taking it apart and maybe clear coating it.

anyone ever screwed around w solving this kind of issue ?

thanks !!!!! And happy listening 


Wash the rubbery keypad with dawn soap and rinse. I then clean the contacts with De-oxit

Easiest, and what worked for me on a gaming headset's amplifier, is to use isopropyl alcohol, a clean rag, and some patience.  Gets that sticky stuff off in a hurry!  Be careful, though - and warned that what you're left with will be a very smooth plastic surface that will feel really cheap:

How To Remove Sticky "Gummy" Coatings From Electronic Devices [YouTube]

Alchohol- not advisable, it may remove the labling.

Try a hot damp (not wet) rag, to wipe it. Then, let it dry. You may, also, try using 303  Protectant, on a rag, to wipe it clean.

A replacement more modern McIntosh branded remote can be had for $99.00-129.00. You can order from Audio Classics. My MCD301 SACD player had a gummy and sticky remote, AC replaced mine free of charge because I purchased it there. You are wasting your time trying to clean up the old remote, believe me I tried.