How long does it take a decent quality speaker to "wear out"?

After all, they do have moving parts and capacitors. . . .

(I suppose that "decent quality" s a relative term.  FTR, I am running a pair of the older B&W 805s, and for all I know, they may not actually meet the criteria of "decent quality.")



Good question!

Other than the driver surrounds crumbling, I have never had a speaker “Wear out” I have upgraded crossovers because it was an upgrade, not because of any other reasons.



Correction,  I did have to replace a tweeter, but that was probably my fault. 😀

I had to have the foam surrounds of my WATT/Puppy Puppies replaced after about 20 years.

Long time ago, I blew out the midrange of a Rectilinear III Highboy doing stereo wars in a dorm.  Duh.

Gradient 1.3 speakers still playing them after 27 years. I been thinking about buying a new pair of speakers,  like the Raven celesti speaker ,any opinions , I know they have 45 day trial, Like do they sound very clear on top,  like horns .I have read 2 Audiogon reviews and pt audio, and Steve Huff. My speaker are not box speakers, If this helps ,thanks,,,

I have 30 year old Legacy Focus and Signature III speakers in my listening rooms and two pairs of 1970s/1980s speakers (one being ADS L620) for my TVs and had to replace only one, non-butyl surround on my Sig IIIs (bottom woofer). They play better than new. Truly, speakers can last one’s lifetime.  In storage-Dynacos 25, 35 and 50 speakers-perfect condition.