Want to add vinyl to my system.

Hello all, 

I have an all digital system with a Lumin x1 streamer, Oppo 203, B&W speakers, Classe Sigma SSP, and Mac 611’s.  I want to now add vinyl into my system abd need a new turntable and phono stage.  I have been considering the Rega 8 or 10.  What do you think of the Rega’s, and which phono stage would you recommend?


I don't recommend anything from Pro-Ject's upper end. The build quality is simply not good enough for the money. 

Clearaudio makes some really nice 'tables which is what I ended up with.

I've got about $14K in my analogue front end including cables and isolation platform. I didn't by anything used. Full details in my virtual system. The Aidas cart is phenomenal. 

My local dealer who I trust implicitly is also a REGA dealer and he steered me towards the Clearaudio Performance DC over the P10.  


@chocaholic , there is no accounting for taste. The LP12 is a cheesy construction with a poorly thought out suspension. I aught to know. I owned two of them. The problem was back in the late 70's it was the best relatively inexpensive turntable out there. Now It is so bad they have to update it continually. VPI? Makes one of the worst tonearms ever foisted on an unsuspecting public. They even tried to sell it without an antiskating mechanism for years. The turntables are a perfect example of form over function. The more expensive they get the more stupid is the design. It is a perfect example of someone who thinks they can make a satisfactory record playing device without any engineering expertise. To put it in perspective, Basis makes turntables designed by someone with a lot of engineering expertise as does SME and Kuzma although Mr Kuzma has this thing going were he has to make the best of anything even if it is a bad idea to begin with. The Rega RP10 is better than any turntable VPI ever made. 

Vinyl is fun for some people. They love the fussing, the cleaning, the hunting through bins of records.....the ritual. If that’s what you want out of vinyl, go for it.

However, consider buying used so if it doesn’t meet your expectations, you can sell it with little to no loss. Rega RP10...don’t expect it to get close to what your current digital source is. I see comments on this thread suggesting you upgrade your digital front end. Jezz, they must be unaware of how good your Lumin X1 is. That is one fantastic piece of digital kit. You will need to spend a similar amount of money or more ( $20,000) on a vinyl front end to avoid disappointment. Several years ago, I sold off my vinyl front end worth well over $12,000 because it didn’t improve on what my Lumin player could provide. If you are looking for that analog warmth, well most current records, sound a lot like their digital files because they have undergone some digital  conversion already. Now if you can find pristine old pressings that are all analog, that is a different story, but they are pretty rare.

I have a 4K vinyl rig and a 4K digital rig. I would say they are very comparable with the winner going either way depending on the recording. I still enjoy vinyl more and wil say I think it sounds more natural more often that not. Just seems more special. Vinyl is absolutely a job though! Cleaning records and changing an album or flipping a record every 10 damn min since most of this new stuff is on double 180g with 2 records for a 40 minute album. That’s comparing a very descent R2R dac against the vinyl. Any DS dac I’ve had in the under 2k range vinyl hands down.

im with others. Have both.