Vandersteen 2ci with tube amps

What are your thoughts on tube pre and amp with the Vandersteen 2ci? I can acquire a Audio Research LS2 with a V70 from someone that is near me.

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I’ve got a pair of 2Ci I use in a second system with a Antique Sound Lab EL-34 based integrated and it’s not a great match.  The 2Ci are a bit on the warm side so a vintage sounding tube amp is not a great match unless you like a very warm sound (I don’t).  I don’t use this system much so no great need to upgrade, but if I did I might try some solid state amps.  Having said that, the V70 would be a good match.  I had a Classic 60 (essentially the same circuit as the V70) and it was a good match, but I didn’t want to have to worry about the cost to replace all the tubes so I sold it. I’ve never heard an Atmasphere amp but I’ve heard lots of good things about them too.

Audio Research with Vandersteen is a classic combination going back 40 years. Use the 8-ohm output tap on the V70 and it should be magical.

Call Richard Vandersteen and he will tell you the same.

Would a Audio Research Ref 110 amp be audio blis with the Vandersteen? Might be a little over my budget but do you think would be a significant improvement? 

Audio bliss with ARC REF110? How about their SP15 w/ REF110.

Well, YES!  Vandersteen Quatros and their bookshelf VLR love tubes.

If you haven't seen Richard's setup video, you can see the ARC setup he has.