Totally Ridiculous....Auditions on YouTube!

Is it just me, or is it total nonsense when YouTubers play music to suggest you can hear a difference between components. Totally drives me crazy and I discount anything they have to offer from that point on......


Bad recordings on YouTube are useless, but I listened to good recordings of equipment on YouTube and was able to pick out an integrated amp and speakers. I purchased them and am completely satisfied with them. You can hear the characteristics of well recorded equipment on YouTube. Of course, listening to the real equipment is far better, but there was no rush by auditioning this way. I was able to listen, as many times as I wanted to, over an extended period of time, and make comparisons. When I setup the equipment at home, it sounded the same, but on a much larger scale. What did I have to lose? If I wasn't happy, I could have returned what I bought. I have been listening to music since I was very young and playing instruments since I was 6 years old. My dad had a high-end system, and I have good speakers hooked up to my computer. You might think this is crazy, but it worked for me. Maybe there was a little luck involved too, ha-ha.

By the way, I watched and listened to many videos, and used the best ones to listen to repeatedly. I made my own comparisons using music that I know.

This is a case where one actually has to listen to the YouTube files before making pronouncements.

TycoDogg made a series of carefully recorded comparisons on YouTube between differing 6SN7 tubes utilizing the original Schiit Freya. Overall quality was quite high with noticeable differences shown, during my listening with Sennheiser HD630VB and 650 headphones over Audioquest Dragonfly Red and Jitterbug using my iPad. I used what I learned in retubing my Cary Slp05 preamp, buying Raytheon VT231’s from Brent Jessee. TycoDoggs work is remarkable and I highly recommend his videos to all interested in tube rolling.

In addition, where else can you hear well-recorded performances by JRAD, arguably even more musical than the band they are a tribute to? Got those uninitiated, they are Joe Russo’s Almost Dead, and they are stupendous.


Apologies to all! Because the Wolf von Langa videos are "back-to-back", I somehow posted the same url for both in my initial post.

This is the one that demonstrates the field-coil drivers so well - please give it a listen!

Wolf von Langa field coil