Integrated amp recommendations for Harbeth 30.1

I have a pair of Harbeth 30.1 speakers, with Exposure CD player, Rega TT and an MHDT Orchid dac driven by an iMac. I sold my Exposure integrated and want to find something a bit warmer and something that can tame edgy recordings. The room is difficult, roughly 19 x 19 but I use diy wall treatments to settle it down. I do want a preamp out option to drive a JL Audio sub at moderate levels. I do not listen to music extremely loud. The speakers are 85 dB efficiency. I am looking to buy used and am considering a Supernait 3, a Pass INT-30a and a Coda CSib v1. Others I would consider would be Luxman, Sugden, LFD, Hegel, etc. So looking for experience with these amps with Harbeth or similar speakers. I am hoping to stay around $4k. And I hope to find something that I hold on to for a long time and proves reliable. Thanks for your thoughts. 


At your room space considering bigger watts, even you listen at low vol. for pass better with int-150 , why limited to integrated? With your budget you can have separate amp & pre for the older model .


I’ve owned every Harbeth minus the M40. You might want to look at tube amplification. This Rogue Cronus Magnum is within your budget and includes the features that you are lookin’ for!!

So one reason why I am not specifically looking at a full tube integrated amp is that I have a McIntosh C-11 and MC-60s that I use in the winter. They were restored by Terry DeWick right before he retired. The integrated amp would most likely be SS or hybrid to run in the warmer months. But I definitely lean toward a tube-like sound.


Also I am not opposed to separates but figure I would get more bang for the buck with a good integrated. Thanks for all the good input thus far.

From what you are saying, I recommend something with tone controls. Cuts down your choices, but offers a lot more options when listening. It’s not a sin, believe me.