
Discussions stuartbmw3 has started

Node X523618
Best value in a vintage Luxman TT23756
Weird Luxman/Exposure remote interactions10838
Integrated amp recommendations for Harbeth 30.1447726
PCM1704 in Exposure CDP?24802
MAC to DAC connectivity601816
First DAC: Metrum-MHDT-Rega-or?554812
Three recent, key learnings604311
Aragon 4004 vs. McCormack DNA-1?81498
Frustrated with the sound of my system4726385
$1000 player or dac recommendation57848
ST-70 modifications290089
Decware ZCP tubed CD player36673
Refoaming vintage OHM speakers71607
Any one in ATL willing to assist in A to D Conv?18201