Rega Planar 3, Parasound Halo pre, their 2125v2 amp. Upgrade:TT, cart, or poweramp?

Hey all.... so, I've got the itch. Was just looking at DACs, but... I think mine is good enough anyway. So... still itching, I started browsing. 

I have a Rega Planar 3 w/ an upgraded subplatter, the Ania (not pro) cartridge, added the Neo PSU, use their Fono MC phono preamp. 

The Halo P5 preamp I feel like I'm happy with (especially with the HT bypass, since I do incorporate this stereo setup, for music only, to also be able to use the same front speakers and power amp along with my receiver/Atmos setup.

The poweramp is also from Parasound - great stuff for the money, but it's the 2125 classic, which is lower than the line associated with the Halo (I believe if I purchased integrated, It'd be the equivalent of the same preamp, but with the A21 or A23 poweramp). 

Now, I've never really heard much in terms of pre/power amps for HiFi systems outside of cheaper integrated setups, or just whatever I used to use back when I used AVR receivers, so I've not much to compare to (and live in the boonies so trying stuff out is near impossible - I rely on reviews, forums, online discussion, etc). 

So, all that said... where should I go? I've invested a lot already, and... Idk, I love the P3 and feel like it's great, but also feel like it could be better. Could it be as simple as a cartridge swap? Or is getting something better than the Ania throwing something... I guess "too good" on the table? Or upgrade the arm? I'd consider something new altogether, but I love how easy Rega makes mounting/aligning their carts. Wish I just got the P6 to begin with lol (or wish I could find a P6 or P8 used being sold without the PSU and cart since I already have 'em, but I digress). 

Then, I also can't help but feel like my power amp could be better. But I base that off of nothing other than its cost compared to my other components, and knowing what amp Parasound typically pairs with the preamp I have, so... then there's that. 

I like my speakers, so nothing I want to change there. 

Idk. Anyone have any thoughts? Should I just not blow money? lol. Or maybe I should just look into a new DAC (currently using a pro-ject pre box s2, and an m1 mac mini, I guess, as my streamer. Also have/use a SugarCube to rip and declick all my vinyl, and store this on my NAS, so I am getting more into digital listening. And currently using Roon w/ all of this to stream my local files [vinyl rips/collection] along w/ my Tidal subcription, so... yeah. I just dont know how much I'd need to spend to warrant a worthwhile upgrade from my current DAC. 

Apologies for the book, thanks in advance for any thoughts, advice, insight, etc. 


I like Halo but they are also very laid back, so depends on how you pair them with your music and speakers and room.

What’s the ratio of analog to digital in your listening?
Are you planning to keep buying records or will you be streaming more? The amp upgrade is an impact across the board.
These are some of the decision making factors.

Problem with having both digital and analog is you will be playing a whack-a-mole with each upgrade

Figure out first what your goal is and what you’re planning to focus on.

This hobby will empty your bank account. I have been buying my dream system for the past 4 years. I have spent $105,000.00 and ended up with 3 systems. My main listening system on the main floor, the basement system for general listening while working on model railroad. And the garage system where all the leftover gear and cables went that I would not give away to grinders.  My main system, I have both digital and analog. I just placed an order for a Jeff spall Tonearm, another $2200.00 upgrade. I have a Rega P3 in the basement With a Goldring 2300 cart on it. 

I have a lot of Saturn audio equipment, some of the best for the price. I have the Saturn dac, power conditioner and Phono stage on my main system. I have the Saturn Power conditioner, and Aqua La-Voce S3 dac in the basement. 

End game amps, main floor Sugden MPA-4 pure class A mono blocks with Sugden LA-4 preamp. Basement system is the Sugden IA-4 integrated amp. 

I have a $6000.00 amp out in the garage. lol Arcam A-49. At this point the Garage /cigar lounge has $12,000.00 worth of audio gear in it.


Do yourself a favour, find an honest dealer and stick with him like I did., he won't steer you wrong. Stay off the forums, too man know it all experts who are cheap and have convinced themselves that cables don't matter etc. stay away from those people. make your own Journey. listen with your ears, and never settle for good enough. Settle when the music you are listening to makes you tingle inside.

I don't know what you income is and I don't care. Manage your life and finances so you can enjoy the hobby.