Confession: I only like Norah Jones because so many others told me to

Norah Jones is the darling of Jazz and Audiophile press for a few years.  I've heard her albums, maybe even bought one.  Look, being a musical artist is hard as hell and I can't do it, but I realize in listening to others talk about her that I'm missing something special while listening to her.

Please, without wanting to pile on her, if you love her tell me why.  What has you going about Miss Jones that makes her a standout? No wrong answers.


Nora Jones.... To quote douglas adams.....mostly harmless.

As to Diana Krall, I enjoyed her live concert videos and albums and once I saw her in concert for real (not carefully edited), I stopped listening to her.   I'd call her an "entertainer" more than anything else.

Like learning how to appreciate scotch, malbec wines or cilantro.



Mostly right, but from what I understand, to some cilantro tastes like soap and will always taste like soap. 🤣

I find the tone of her voice to be very soothing. There’s a softness that I find just right. I can recline my chair after a rough day and her voice will take me away from things for a while. It’s like a mental massage

I have to admit to an inherent bias to hyped artists, far too often I find mass selling artists less than compelling. Having said that I've been surprised by the quality of some of these artists when I did give them a chance.


Light jazz not my thing, but I've heard some nice things from her, may have to explore more of her less popular output.