Has anyone tried the new Synergistic Research UEF Performance Enhancer - Ethernet Filter?

I was wondering if anyone has tried the new (and expensive) Synergistic Research UEF Performance Enhancer - Ethernet Filter.  I find that some SR products such as their cable line are nicely effective while others..........well, maybe no so much.  According to SR these things run $300 each and plug into unused ethernet ports to "filter" ethernet signals.  Please weigh in here so I can ascertain whether they are worth a try.  Thank you.

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So you think I owe anything to all these quarrelers who hijacked and fouled my thread?  I don't think I need to waste any more time on Audiogon threads, many of which go this way.  I will PM @ozzy when I get results.

You do generally have to try these tweaks and evaluate yourself. 


@curiousjim , what about trying a Wi-Fi extender with an Ethernet port, you can hard wire the Hegel to the extender.




I tried a Netgear Wi-Fi extender and it kept cutting out. My Netgear Nighthawk router is solid as a rock and so is the Powerline 2000.

I haven’t used the Wi-Fi in a while, maybe I’ll see how the streamer sounds.


 Maybe people who rather spend money on something that cannot physically work. Ethernet and the related protocols are literally designed to thwart any type of modification of this kind.