
Hi guys

I've been toying with the idea of tubes for a while, and was wondering if a tube pre-amp would be worthwhile pairing with my Class A/B integrated - Atoll IN200 Signature (the Atoll has the function to bypass its own internal pre-amp section, and pair the power section with an external pre-amp).

I predominantly listen to Jazz (all eras, all flavours) and am very interested to hear what tubes would bring me; I've casually read around, and the description of sound from reviewers and regular users does appeal to me greatly. 

I am aware of the Schiit Freya +, and from what I can make out, with some tube swapping, the Freya can produce some good results; but apart from this I'm not really sure what I should be looking at. I'm not looking to spend multiple thousands on this little side interest, or replace my Atoll./Solid State, but to just give myself an exposure to tubes in my audio chain. 

The other option I suppose, is to look at the offerings from Willsenton as an additional integrated, such as the R300 (this seems to be well received, and at a  reasonable price tag). 

Any advice/guidance gratefully received

Thanks very much 👍




I think you should consider used, hifishark search, all countries



these were usa or canada only, from hifi shark, $1,600 usd max


just listed



this one, Melos had a great reputation, my friend has one, I like it’s sound a lot. you would need to ask the seller questions, he may be assuming buyer knows it works well but he doesn’t say so. It has many inputs, including Phono which is great for first try of tubes.


Schiit Freya, only 3 inputs, no phono, seller says excellent ...


you would need to convince this seller to ship it. Phono in this one is probably just a convenience line level selector after a separate phono stage has done RIAA eq


This one, wider rack mount face, has a real phono stage, a bit scratched


now from Canada (remember to convert CAD to USD

I would get this Conrad Johnson, (or the Luxman below) recently certified seller says. phono stage, two outputs, tape loop ....


Luxman, nice stereo/mono/reverse mode switch, recapped ....


100v. needs a 120/100 step down transformer like my jvc turntable and friends Luxman TT. Don’t let that concern you, a good quality (not cheap) one, under $100. will be all you need.


Cary, (remote control is great for volume) possibly end of your intended price range.

need to find info to know more about it.

That Audible Illusions Modulus for $895 is a real good deal! The Melos for $500 is a good buy too! I'd take either over the Freya.

Hey guys, 

Thanks so much for all of these suggestions; my bad, I should have stated, I'm in the UK and don't fancy shipping pre-loved. Saying that, the suggestions have given me some good starting points.

@hilde45 thanks for the heads-up re: the Atoll, I appreciate where you're coming from regarding a pre-amp with a richer presentation.

@elliottbnewcombjr thanka for taking the time to list possible examples of what I should/could look at.

My system is streaming only, so don't need a phono stage, so not an issue if  a pre-amp doesn't have one.

I'll do a bit more reading around what has been suggested. 

Thanks again guys, been a great help 👍

I like looking, learning, often also looking for friends. Retired, have the time.

I often sort hifishark by country and sort for newly listed, jump on a great deal.