I can't believe this.

I have had a Tascam recorder in for warranty repair since October. They claim they are backlogged and have no idea when they can look at it. They claim they are still trying to fix equipment that came in last summer.

But here is the thing that grinds me. They want, " I think they may be able to do a priority service for you, however as I mentioned, most of our service centers that do provide priority service have a fee for it".

This seems like bribery to me.





As above, "Give me results, not excuses" Be a Tiger.


Happy Listening!

"I think they may be able to do a priority service for you, however as I mentioned, most of our service centers that do provide priority service have a fee for it".

That sounds like an option to me.  Nobody's coercing you to do anything.

Warranty compliance should be enforced by law. Non-compliance and the company loses the right to sell in that market.  

I vote with @noromance on this, one shouldn't have to bribe a vendor to do their job.  Having to return an item on warranty is annoying enough....

It almost sounds like '...if we ignore it long enough, the warranty will lapse and we can charge more...', which smacks of a cheap stall.

Tascam used to be a 'name' in its' field, or so I thought.  Wtf happened? 😒