Klipsch Speakers

I have a pair of Klipsch Forte IVs, they are bright will a tube amp really help? 


Here's a photo of modified Forte III crossover board.  OEM wiring replaced with better cabling and PC traces bypassed and replaced with point to point wiring.

Hi All,

FWIW, as an update, I've had my Forte iv's about nine months now and have been enjoying them with a First Watt F7.

I recently retubed my CJ LP66S amp with Gold Lion 6992's and Electro Harmonix 6990's and reinserted it into my system.  Big improvement over the old tubes as the tube treble is cleaner and the overall tone is improved. 

The tubes have a better "presence" or live sound compared to the F7, which seems almost a bit polite in comparison. Also, for me, the 60wpc adds a body to the Fortes that is ultimately missing with the F7 and its 25wpc.

Of course, what I think sounds better may change in another six months!😊 Probably as much about making a change versus one amp is truly better than the other...!?

Thanks for listening,



OP,  thanks for giving us more information. 

I am on the side that thinks you should be able to rectify the situation. I’ve powered Forte IIIs and CWIVs with many different amps. They are sensitive to amp pairing and source. The Naim pairing sticks out to me yet I have been surprised at pairings.  

I loved the IIIs with tubes. Surprisingly they can sound killer with SS too.  




Here are my old Forte IIIs paired with tubes in a nearly empty music room (before decoration a few years back).

yes it’s YouTube but you should be able to get how splendid they can sound. By the way turn up the volume to hear the great dynamics.

i think pairing is key. I sold that PL integrated when I didn’t prefer it with other speakers-after the Forte IIIs

were gone too.