Passive speakers for desktop

I haven't found any good articles or experiences online about having passive speakers on a desktop. Currently that's my space where I can kind of go crazy when it comes to audio gear without having to get wife approval. However, being on a desk means there's obviously limitations. 

So far I've used cheap stuff like logitech, bose, creative, audioengine, etc. Then I got some Paradigm Atoms and Onix Ref 1's back in college. Next upgrade was the Dynaudio Focus 110's which were pretty great when it comes to the sound that came out of that small speaker. I currently own the SB Acoustic ARA which bring everything up a notch. I'm borrowing my friend's BMRs and the presentation is very different. It throws a wide soundstage with a little softer imaging compared to the ARA but it could be due to the width limitation between the speakers.

Does anyone have any recommendations for what I can upgrade to? It seems like having passive speakers on a desk is quite niche. Most people who go deeper into a desk setup tend to go active but I'd like to stay passive.

Current setup - Audiobyte Hydra Z - PS Audio DSD - Bel Canto Pre3 - AVA DVA M225 - SB Acoustic ARA

Some options I came across were the Qln Prestige One and Borresson Z1. I'm hoping to stay under the $10k range for my last pair of speakers in this setup.


Yep, this is a desktop setup. My desk is 74x42". My setup is exactly as I listed it. I'm not really sure why it's a joke to you but that's where I have the most freedom to spend money on audio. Unfortunately I don't have any extra rooms to turn into a listening room. Rather than dropping money on headphones that costs thousands of dollars, I'd rather use speakers because 1) they sound better 2) they are more comfortable and 3) they sound better.

Asking if it's a joke is NOT asserting that it is. BTW I forgot to laugh.

$1000 headphones can sound better than most speakers, cost no object

If you don't like the image or being tethered is another matter but you will have few souls that are in your shoes.

If there's a $1000 headphone that will better most speakers, cost no object, I'd love to hear it. TBF, the number of headphones I've heard in the past two years is 10x more than speakers.

You know, it might be fun to try the single driver kits from Madisound.  They use a coaxial driver with a mechanical crossover.  Fun project!