Passive speakers for desktop

I haven't found any good articles or experiences online about having passive speakers on a desktop. Currently that's my space where I can kind of go crazy when it comes to audio gear without having to get wife approval. However, being on a desk means there's obviously limitations. 

So far I've used cheap stuff like logitech, bose, creative, audioengine, etc. Then I got some Paradigm Atoms and Onix Ref 1's back in college. Next upgrade was the Dynaudio Focus 110's which were pretty great when it comes to the sound that came out of that small speaker. I currently own the SB Acoustic ARA which bring everything up a notch. I'm borrowing my friend's BMRs and the presentation is very different. It throws a wide soundstage with a little softer imaging compared to the ARA but it could be due to the width limitation between the speakers.

Does anyone have any recommendations for what I can upgrade to? It seems like having passive speakers on a desk is quite niche. Most people who go deeper into a desk setup tend to go active but I'd like to stay passive.

Current setup - Audiobyte Hydra Z - PS Audio DSD - Bel Canto Pre3 - AVA DVA M225 - SB Acoustic ARA

Some options I came across were the Qln Prestige One and Borresson Z1. I'm hoping to stay under the $10k range for my last pair of speakers in this setup.


Showing 7 responses by driftingbunnies

Yep, this is a desktop setup. My desk is 74x42". My setup is exactly as I listed it. I'm not really sure why it's a joke to you but that's where I have the most freedom to spend money on audio. Unfortunately I don't have any extra rooms to turn into a listening room. Rather than dropping money on headphones that costs thousands of dollars, I'd rather use speakers because 1) they sound better 2) they are more comfortable and 3) they sound better.

If there's a $1000 headphone that will better most speakers, cost no object, I'd love to hear it. TBF, the number of headphones I've heard in the past two years is 10x more than speakers.

Thanks everyone for the recommendations so far. I'm a little hesitant with the LS3/5a just cause of the less than neutral signature but I haven't tried them so I can't say for certain that wouldn't be for me.

The ARA are actually DIY speakers which are supposed to compete with higher priced speakers but without testing those higher priced speakers, I don't know for sure where it lands. That's kind of the reason I'm looking toward something in the $5k-10k (10k is really pushing it) so that I can get a discernable upgrade from what I have now. Comparing the ARA with the BMR Philharmonitors was pretty interesting. I think the BMRs definitely present music differently but technicals are around the same level. From what I've read BMRs also punch above their price point.

Anyways, @soix the Pulsars were definitely on my list before but from my friend's experience, the Qln seemed to be better off the same system when he heard them at CAF. Whether or not that will be true in my system, I'm not sure but one thing that drew me to the Qln is that people who have heard it felt that vocals sounded extremely natural. The biggest thing I don't like about them is the looks. I don't find them particularly attractive.

I've actually been shopping for preamps before looking at possible speaker upgrades. Depending on what deals I find, one might have to be delayed until a later date. The Bel Canto has been a very good stop gap so far. 

@barts Yes, the speakers will be next to a computer monitor. My desk is in a 15x15' room in one of the corners currently. I could sit further away but 99% of the time I'll be sitting at the desk using the computer.

I have some iso-acoustic stands that prop my current speakers off the desk already. I'd probably use those again.

I'm currently considering the voxativ hagen monitors. Not a lot of talk about them in particular but I believe the drivers are well liked. Those seem like they would do well on a desk compared to most other bookshelf speakers. 

Thanks for all the suggestions everyone. I really appreciate it!

In case anyone is following, I'm still on the lookout for an upgrade to my Ara. I've kind of narrowed it down to a few. Qln Prestige, Totem Acoustics Element Fire V2, Dynaudio Heritage specials, and Dali Epicon 2. Currently the Totem is in the lead but I haven't heard any totem speakers before so it's based on just how many glowing reviews there are of that speaker.

My chain has changed a little. Upgraded to MK2 for the directstream and bought a benchmark LA4 for my preamp. I've also added some bass panels behind and an acoustic panel to the right for the first reflection. Basically my speakers are left unless I want to spend 2-3x more on the components.

@monster7 Do you have any recommendations? Why is it an issue that the amp has 225w? 

The DVA M225 uses a new and unique version of our award-winning SET amplifier design. These are Class A/B amps that operate as Class A amps at normal listening levels. 

I would think I'm using the Class A portion of the amp most of the time. Let me know if there's something I'm missing.