Purifi v Gan amps?

Has anyone had the opportunity to compare Purifi based amps eg MarchP422, Purifi etc with Gan amps such as LSA Voyager or Peachtree Gan 400 or similar?


After all, we all know that all amps based in bipolars sound a certain way, and all amps based on mosfets sound another certain way.

My Audiophonics hpa-s400et Purifi amplifier isn't boring, has excellent 3D imaging with no paper cutouts. Sounds neutral, detailed, and smooth/natural sounding.

I will add that I use BACCH-4MAC-Pro. So I might be cheating a tad! 

@soix Professor Edgar Chourier should get the equivalent of a Nobel Peace Prize for his contributions to furthering this hobby.

In 47 years of being an Audiophile it’s the
"Greatest Sonic Leap Forward" I’ve been able to achieve in my reference system. It’s the level above the next level, and will leave you speechless. The 3D soundstage is so authentic and tangible it can be gleefully traumatic (eerily spooky). It makes my well treated room and Legacy WhispersXDS openbaffle speakers completely transform to whatever venue is recorded.

Nothing will prepare you for it. Using two speakers and not 11.2 or whatever Dolby Atmos is up to is impractical, and wrong-headed.
Those people are chasing the Dragon.

I slayed mine!

I can not recommend highly enough the Bacch4Mac software as an infinitely more practical way to achieve everything you’ve been missing.

No change in your system will give you the gestalt or nearly enough improvement in 3D realism and purity. (His 10 patents are warranted because he’s the only one who figured out how to preserve and extract the spatial info without affecting Tonality or Timbre. This is also why it’s a game changer.