Only two tracks to test your system, forever!

If you could only use two tracks/songs for the rest of your life whenever you wanted to test a change to your system, what would they be?


A big hell yes for Cafe Blue. 2 of my own picks would be Hugo Kant - Melancholia and Sepultura - Refuse Resist. The drumming is insane.

Flight of the cosmic hippo - bela fleck

Trio jeepy Bradford marsalis (from preamble background chat to that sharp first note right channel - which should make listener jump)

misguided angel - cowboy junkies (can sound confused and muddled on wrong system)

oops that's 3








La Villa Strangioto   Rush

Tin Tin Deo    Art Pepper


Love the Porcupine Tree cites!!  Harridan is insane ... sayin