New TT vs Cartridge/isolation upgrade

Hi all,

I'm contemplating an upgrade to my Pro-Ject RPM 1 Carbon turntable.  Goal is to achieve a warmer sound with better imaging and soundstaging.  I'm considering two options, both of which would cost me about $600:

1:  Keep the RPM 1, replace the stock Ortofon 2M Red cartridge with Hana EH and add an isolation platform that would allow me to better level the turntable.

2:  Sell the RPM 1 and replace with a stock Pro-Ject Debut Pro, which ships with a Sumiko Ranier cartridge.  The Debut Pro has adjustable feet, which would make the isolation platform less vital (either TT will sit on a pretty solid wooden credenza).

Any thoughts on which path is best?  Basically the question is whether upgrading the RPM 1 or moving to a Debut Pro will yield better sound.   



To actually try and answer the OP's question. Keep your current table for now. If you have a phono preamp that can do Moving Coil, the Hana is a nice option. If not, look to the Sumiko or Nagaoka carts.

That Ortofon Red is your issue, it's not that special, especially for what they charge. The one nice thing you could do, and save yourself a couple of bucks, is just to upgrade the stylus to their Blue or Bronze since the "engine" is the same.


The Bronze engine is different…it uses silver plated wire, and the cost difference is trivial between stylus and cartridge, so get the whole Bronze. I too recommend keeping the RPM1 and addressing you upgrade itch with a cartridge. For under $500, the Bronze is where I’d go. The “Clever Clamp” is another record clamp suitable for your Table.
for isolation and leveling: a set of 3 Funk Firm Boing feet should screw into the threads used by Pro-Ject for the stock feet  


I’d be careful with footers and isolation platforms especially when it comes to turntables. It’s very easy to make things worse.
I suggest you focus on phono stage and cartridge. The Hana E series is very good as long as it matches with your table and your phono stage isn’t a bottleneck. 

Thanks, everyone.  I'm using the phonostage that's built into my NAD DAC/preamp, which I imagine may not be able to fully take advantage of a cartridge like the Hana EH.  I'm thinking of keeping things simple and just replacing the Ortofon 2M Red with a Sumiko Ranier ($150) to get a warmer, fuller sound.  I'd then wait to upgrade TT or anything else until I have a lot more to spend.