Why do so many sellers take offense to offers on their listings?

If you have the 'offer' feature activated then what's the problem with any offer. Comments like 'lowball' offers will be ignored just gives me a bad vibe. If your item has been up for sale then there is no insulting offer. I've made deals with people starting far apart and coming together. If you haven't noticed the audio market seems to have come to a standstill. Any opinions?


I respond to low ball offers by informing the buyer I only had one at his offer and he just missed is offer being accepted 10 minutes ago. Sorry. But I have another one  at a little higher price if he wishes. It has worked.   This fun thread reminds me of the question, what is the worst thing in the world?  answer,   when 2 poor people owe each other, one can't pay and the other can't wait.  

Many different ways to go about selling but I only deal with the not offended type. It’s just as easy to reject an offer and offer up an acceptable price.

Either name your price or put it up to auction.  I don't understand why this is an issue.

Just look at all the posts here, how many are about music, less than 10%???

There are threads that are dedicated specifically to music and it's probably safe to say that many of the participants in those threads spend 80-90% of their time in the Audiogon forum there.  Who knows, maybe some of them have even banded together outside the confines of Audiogon and spend a lot more time somewhere else discussing music as well as gear.

the primary purpose of this site is to buy and sell gear...though there is discussion of music, there are many other sites more focused on music and quality recordings...