About Audio Research CD7

"Does the ARC have any flaws? Yes, there are two. They are subtle and not obtrusive but they do exist. The first is a lack of midbass power, weight and body. Drums do not have the impact they could nor does double bass and cello possess the growl they should. The other is a slight leaning out of the harmonics in the upper midrange accompanied by a slight tendency towards stridency in this range." This is from Arthur Salvatore's webpage high-end critique.
I'd like to ask you to comment; does the CD7 has the same traditional sound of ARC as described above?
Thank you,
That review by Salvatore's "associates" is mired in controversy. Check out the related threads over at Audio Asylum. I would not personally put any faith in any of the comments made in that "Digital Shootout" write-up.