5 Dumb Things Audiophiles Believes.

So funny and so, so true, at least point number 5. 



I thought his points were well-taken. I’ve gotten a lot out of some of his videos, like the speaker placement one, the first one featuring sapphire open baffle speakers and binaural microphone setup. I suspect that when he thinks he is making simple, clear statements people hear ‘arrogance.’ He is ‘talking down’ to people instead of, as Jack Benny put it, ‘talking up’ to them. It doesn’t take long to tire of and to resent the overall tone of his delivery; I know I did.

@dadork No, he’s actually insufferably arrogant, regardless of whether he lands on some truth. To assume some people can’t “listen” more skillfully than others is ignorant. Controlling the brain to focus on specifics in frequency, attack, decay, tone, etc is something producers spend their lives with. He mocks that because he’s insecure regarding his listening skills and pontificates his way into likeminded audience engagement.

this guy has been around for  years on you tube .       


never cared for him.

I get it. I don't find it or him that funny and certainly not smart nor clever.  I think Ron is attempting to tap into the "everyman" vibe that exists online that mocks the the things that they can't afford as some sort of "al Bundy vs. the snobs" appeal for some more subs/likes/clicks. It'll probably do well for him. I can't watch him.  His voice/tone/attitude have terrible synergy with my ear drums and the smart part of my brain.... "The D&D nerd is mad that Bobby's leaving the circle to buy a moped and make out with Heather under the bleachers."

@jerryg123 Thanks for sharing...

I find it interesting, the wide variety of responses, from instant venomous outrage to disinterest,  to total agreement.

Some people are easily offended, some don't care what others have to say and some will find value in almost anything.

To each... his own...