Jay’s Audio CDT3-MK3 wins over Aurender W20SE

In search for digital perfection I’ve continuously upgraded my streamer to find Qobuz nirvana. The streamer’s only competition has been my Audiolab 6000CDT which clearly outperformed any Chord 2go/2yu and the Volumio Primo middle grade streamer. Only after buying the flagship Aurender W20SE did my streamer blow the CD transport out of the water, like burn every CD never going back. But studying hi end CD transports I decided on the Jay’s Audio CDT3-MK3 and it has been a revelation. It’s like I’ve never heard a cd before. It so outperforms the W20SE in detail clarity depth richness of tone it’s astonishing. IMHO CD with a hi-end CD transport is far far better than the absolute best streamer in the world. The W20SE is not going up for sale but will be getting much less use from now on.

I’d be interested in the community’s thoughts about CD vs Streaming.


CD vs Streaming…this topic has been beaten like a dead horse. As @jon2020 pointed out there are so many variables when comparing the two formats. I stream via Qobuz and there are many recordings that sounds exemplary and there are many that don’t; not because of any compression but due to original master source. Same applies to CD’s as well. Not all CD’s sounds great. I am streaming 95% of the time but still buy select CD’s that are mastered from analog tapes.

My suggestion to the OP, don’t get caught with which format sounds better. IME, Streaming, CD or Vinyl can all sound amazing when fed with a well mastered recording. 

This is not ordinary streaming, this is Qobuz 24 bit - 192khz uncompressed streaming with a $22,000 Aurender W20SE and a 1 million tap Chord Mscaler upsampler. This technology should be compared to CDs to see where we are at in HiFi to the potential of ultra high end streaming + upsampling to the best of the best CD transports. It is a fair and good test for many in digital hifi.

I agree with @lalitk that a well mastered recording in any format would sound excellent.


It would be fair to compare the same master recording amongst all formats and come to your own conclusion as to how your money would be next well spent. Once you have concluded what is best for your system and your ears, you will be vindicated by your next purchase of cd's or streaming service. 

This hobby is indeed a journey of discovery of what works best for you. And there can be no regrets for your streaming needs as the W20SE is indeed a top-notch streamer in its own right. So, you already have the best of both worlds in your system but only with the best masters.

Try. Using HQ player ,through a great purpose built computer using optical ,a very good dedicated line all Gold copper connections throughout ,which makes a Big difference.

a very good dac, like a Denafrips Terminator + or 2, or Holo springs May KTE ,  very good quality digital cables which are at least $750 minimum and a synergistic research Ethernet hub  makes a world of difference I  no longer need CDs period 

I use Roon HQ player which I built into the Roon core, and QObuz ,

tons off flexibility and processor power with HQ player ,you need at least 1-2T  SS drive just forHQ player ,once you learn it you will never remove it it is that good .


@brandonhifi maybe a stupid question, but how are you getting a sacd ripped to the aurenders hdd ?