Luxman 509x vs Hegel H390

The shortlist is mainly coming down to these two genuinely great amps.

What sets them apart in SQ overall & how would you describe the sound signature for each one.





I have the B&W 705 Signature bookshelf speakers. So, either one in the power output dept. should be quite sufficient. Now , it all just really comes down to SQ, both have some terrific reviews then just a sprinkling of not so stellar ones. 

For the Luxman 507 , just how much does it give up to it's sibling 509x in terms of transparency, detail and air between the instruments/vocals . With that in mind , does it have the edge there or lack of compared to the Hegel H390?. 

As for the Hegel H390, why so many on the used market anyhow, putting the issue of aesthetics in the long term , are people selling due to a tiresome possibly dark and dour SQ in time ?. 


The big reason for the 509 vs. the 507 is low impedance speakers.  The 509 is a little stiffer where your speaker's impedance dips thanks to the beefier power supply and another pair of output transistors.  Both great amps.

Erik _s,

I see you have/had the 507 at one time. Just how was it with transparency and more importantly spatial presentation of the instruments/vocals including the palpable air in the recording venue. This particular aspect to the sound would be one of the defining aspects of a good amp compared to an average one.


I think it does a great job, but depends on the recording and room.  It does not etch their location in space.

What it does is feel extended at the bottom and top end, making speakers sound like they go deeper and are smother long past the top of the speaker.  Compared to very neutral amps like say Parasound, they sound like bigger, faster amps.  Compared to Ayre, they don't have the same abyss from which music comes from.  Very close in tone and temperament to the D'Agostinos. 

Both quality products.

Hegel 390 may be better value. Includes streamer, DAC 250wpc, insane damping factor. $6,500. Plain looking.

Lux 509- Has all the TT inputs, tone, balance, meters & beauty. Also better SQ. 120wpc. $10k.

Hegel is a little dry by comparison. 

If you had a larger room with speakers that want power the Hegel may be the one.

Otherwise your desired SQ description sounds like the Lux.