Help with USB Cable Option

Looking at a few USB cable options to connect my ifi Zen Stream to my Aune X8 DAC. This is my list and just trying to decide which option is best for my system which is pretty neutral.



Supra Excalibur:

RiCable Magnus:



@temmple   One cannot "triangulate" around my system, my room, my experience, my ears, etc. via remote postings.

You will get answers for sure. Are they the right answers??? Whichever way you dice this, you have to do the work yourself. You'll be better for it; and wiser. And you will choose the 'right/correct' option for you.

Thanks for stating the obvious. I have no easy way of demoing cables in home and the reason I came here to see if people might have experience with some of the cables I had listed which I had narrowed down from a larger list. So I have done some legwork but just asking for some opinions. Someone might even reply with one cable has better specs than the other or opinions on SQ over the other. so This is the kind of input I am hoping for. 

i haven't used any of these cables but recognize that 95% of the people that give you absolute advice on the internet also haven't used the equipment they are so certain about.

I like the price range you are shopping it.  Not much to be gained going further up.  I like silver for digital which the first 2 have.

I don't think you need power so I don't know why there are not more data only cables made for audiophile applications.  All 3 have power conductors but won't hurt anything.

I think all 3 will do you well but the last one gives no specs but lots of bragging.  Go with one of the first 2.

I use audioquest carbon.  Has silver.  Reputation suffers from mass production but I couldn't find anything else at the time I'm very happy with it.
