Magico Ultimate III - $700,000 Speakers

For a pair of Magico Ultimate III, they ask for 700 thousand dollars, and five-way systems with horn design are hidden in aluminum cases with a height of 230 centimeters. They reportedly require 10 amplifiers, and in terms of technical innovation, it is worth noting that a highly sensitive compression driver is located in the throat of each horn.



1,100 pounds in weight?  4,000 watt subwoofer amplifier?  PT Barnum said it, there is a sucker born every minute, or I like: a fool and his money are easily parted.  C'mon - who the hell is going to buy that monstrosity? 

@lucky_doggg7 ....some Saudi whomever, a nuevo riche with a need to flaunt, one with more $ that one prays has 'ears' at all...

Give me that instead, and I could do some pretty amazing things that would include a whole lot more than just 'that', would include a different sort of 'that' as well....

.....however one can afford 'that', wonderful as it may be....or not. *G*

Desaun Watson got $250m guaranteed from the browns, maybe he'll put a pair in his pool room. I bet they're great for background music.