Backert Rhumba 1.3 OR Modwright LS 100 ?

Better pre-amp ?  
My amp is a BRYSTON 4b3
thanks !

I have heard the Rhumba and was very impressed. I own the Rhythm 1.3 and it’s the best preamp I’ve owned to date. Previous preamps I’ve had are: Vinnie Rossi LIO DHT, Audible Illusions Modulus and LTA MicroZOTL Preamp Which I still have in a second system.

How does the Rhumba compare to the microZOTL in sound.

Which one has more weight and warmth?


@mdrone I think member Teajay reviewed both and slightly preferred the LTA pre, so maybe you can look up his reviews and get more info.  Might’ve been in Stereo Times but not sure.