Best SET power amp below $5,000

Curious to get the benefit of the knowledge in this forum.

I currently have a low power SET amp, paired with 94db loudspeakers. Sounds great, but tbh, I bought it 20 years ago, and even then, my process was not particularly thoughtful.

Not trying to start an argument about push-pull vs SET. Though I am not an electrician or sound engineer, my instinct is that a simpler circuit is better. At this point, I am just interested in what folks here think are the best options for SET amps—in the $5,000 price range. I am also open to the feedback that the price range is too limiting.

I am open to new or used and given the many years that vacuum tubes have been used for this purpose, curious if there is any technology advantage in newer products, holding their condition constant (ie comparing a 1950s era SET amp to a 2022 design, both in mint condition).



I have a Dennis Had Universal SET, the Aric Audio Super 300B SET, and an Arte Forma Aida 2A3 amp.  I thought I was in heaven with the Aric Audio Super 300B SET but there is something about the 2A3 tube sound that has kept me coming back to that Arte Forma Aida 2A3.  if your speakers truly are 94dB efficient, and you don't listen much beyond 80-85 dB, and think you can live with 3ish fabulous watts then I suggest you look into 2A3 amps.  The tubes you use are important and the easiest choice would be the JJ 2A3-40's but NOS RCA and Sylvania tubes are also fabulous.

I currently have a low power SET amp, paired with 94db loudspeakers.

What is the make and model of your SET amp and speakers?

I don't know of many under $5,000 SET amps, except the Elekit 300b amps.  It comes either assembled or as a kit.  I saw the instructions to the kit and the instructions are quite good and clear so I think anyone can build it if they have a little bit of experience with soldering, stripping wire, etc.  I like the sound of that amp even though I am generally not a 300b fan.  

I like low-powered tube amps, including SET amps.  I own a pair of Audio Note Kageki (parallel SET using 2a3 tubes).  But, many of my favorite low-powered tube amps are of the pushpull variety.  If I were in the market for really nice low-powered amps, I would be looking at 6L6 or KT66 or EL84 pushpull amps as well as SET amps.


I'm not trying to be cynical or argumentative, but to what 2022 designs are you referring? One way or another, current tube amps' designs are based on 1930 - early 1960 designs. Components may be upgraded, but the designs are hardly space age. And in the end, many still look for throwbacks, especially for tubes.

For about $5000, you can get a new Cary 300SEI SET running 300Bs. And as previously pointed out, Dennis Had who designed this amp when he was at Cary, has a line of SET amps for under $5000.

Audion has several SETs "around" your price point. The Elekits get good reviews are are relatively inexpensive.

I am down to one SET that is specifically matched to the speakers it powers. The rest of my amps are PP and are more interchangeable with other speakers allowing me to "adjust" the sound a bit.

What don't t you like about the sound you have?