1st cartridge upgrade on 1st TT

Hey everyone,

I am looking to upgrade my 1st cartridge on my 1st TT.

A few years ago, I got into vinyl with a Rega RP8. Left it completely stock and just enjoyed the vinyl experience. Read and learned a lot. Still lots to learn!

I had been pondering an upgrade to a MM cartridge for a while.

The stock Exact cartridge got damaged during a recent move. Guess it's time to stop pondering and find a replacement.

Any RP 8 owners have suggestions? 
Listening to mostly classical and jazz.
Not sure what to budget for this. Perhaps up to around $1k.




Does your phono stage support the lower gain of a Moving Coil cartridge or are you trying to stay within a certain output similar to a MM?

Would be helpful to see your system. There is a place under your UserID. @tooblue +1. 

Good choice for your first table also. 

I’m not familiar with. Cartridges in that price range. But many are… I am sure you will get lots of recommendations. But knowing your preamp and Phonostage will be very helpful… and speakers.

RP8 stick with the Rega carts. 

Not sure why anyone needs to see pictures of your turntable. 

Google is your friend.
