Sub Confusion

I've decided to add a REL sub to my in-den 2-channel system. My room is 12'-0 x 15'-6 x 10'-0h with PMC Fact 12 speakers 3'-0 out from the short wall. I have GIF corner base traps (43"h) in the front corners. My integrated is a DarTZeel LHC-208, and my DAC is an Aqua Formula xhd rev 2. When I go to REL's website to match a sub to my speakers, they recommend a 212SX (at $4,999). For my space, these seems to be overkill. Why not a single S510 (at $2,749) or two T7X (at $1,099 each)? Or? My goal is not more base- I'm looking to free my PMCs from having to expend energy to produce sound below 80 Hz and increase depth. Looking for input from our members. Thanks


@jackd: And, all the Rythmik's have what @mike_in_nc wants: a continuously-variable phase control, providing anywhere from 0 degrees of phase "lag" (no delay) to 180 degrees (16 milliseconds of delay, which does electronically what moving your sub back 16 feet does).

And @jackd, Rythmik's Brian Ding himself prefers and recommends line-level hookup over high-level, though as I said above he does provide high-level provisions in his non-XLR model plate amps.

My room is about 20'x30', moderately damped with speakers on long side. REL s/510 is more than adequate. 

+ @noromance 

+ @bdp24 

+ @yogiboy 

I have a REL. I have Rythmiks. Both are good subs. Rythmiks are better values and more integrateable. You could have a couple Rythmiks and a better integrated room for the price of one new REL, IMO.

Agree with those that suggest Rythmik offers better value and can be integrated better than REL.  I have nothing against REL subs, but they don't represent a good bang for your buck.  If you have the money and like audio jewelry, by all means get a REL, or better yet, 2 or 4.  Just realize you're paying more for looks, their huge marketing budget, and dealer markup than you are for superior technology. 

A pair of well set up Rythmik subs will make your system sound better than the one REL sub you would get for the same amount of money.  A well set up Rythmik (or many other brand) sub(s) will be "integrated" just as well as a REL sub.  A REL sub can be poorly set up and sound boomy or not well "integrated".  All this nonsense about the way it connects to your system making a huge difference is just that.  You either know how to set up your subs regardless of what brand they are or you don't.  Rythmik and many other subs provide you with more setup options than REL.