Sub Confusion

I've decided to add a REL sub to my in-den 2-channel system. My room is 12'-0 x 15'-6 x 10'-0h with PMC Fact 12 speakers 3'-0 out from the short wall. I have GIF corner base traps (43"h) in the front corners. My integrated is a DarTZeel LHC-208, and my DAC is an Aqua Formula xhd rev 2. When I go to REL's website to match a sub to my speakers, they recommend a 212SX (at $4,999). For my space, these seems to be overkill. Why not a single S510 (at $2,749) or two T7X (at $1,099 each)? Or? My goal is not more base- I'm looking to free my PMCs from having to expend energy to produce sound below 80 Hz and increase depth. Looking for input from our members. Thanks


Showing 2 responses by bdp24

@jackd: And, all the Rythmik's have what @mike_in_nc wants: a continuously-variable phase control, providing anywhere from 0 degrees of phase "lag" (no delay) to 180 degrees (16 milliseconds of delay, which does electronically what moving your sub back 16 feet does).

And @jackd, Rythmik's Brian Ding himself prefers and recommends line-level hookup over high-level, though as I said above he does provide high-level provisions in his non-XLR model plate amps.

Another company offering subs with high-level hookup capability (the sub taking it’s signal off the power amp’s speaker binding posts) is Rythmik Audio, in their non-XLR plate amps. Those plate amps offer both high-level and line-level (from a pre-amp’s outputs) connections.

Available models include 12", 15", and 18" woofers, in both sealed and ported enclosures. All models employ servo-feedback circuitry.