Owning Up To It

Please cite the most forgettable moment in the history of your favorite band. Remember; This is for posterity, so please include as many details as possible :)))

1977 Oakland  CA. Day on the green led zeppelin delayed 4 hrs because they were in jail.

Went to see Robert Plant in Norfolk Virginia several years ago. Wonderful show. Had a great time at the show. When we got back to the hotel we hung out at the bar for a while. Met several members of his band. Plant didn’t show, but we did enjoy a nice conversation with the band members. The next morning we went down for breakfast and the hostess sat us next to the band members AND Robert Plant. had a great conversation with him. We didn’t come across as start struck knuckleheads (we all are huge Zeppelin fans since we were kids in the 70s. So meeting Plant was a dream come true. But we respected his space. We were chatting amongst ourselves when suddenly my chair began shaking like hell. I turn around and it was Plant, wishing is us a safe trip back to NY.

On a side note, while at the bar the after the show I met this amazingly attractive young woman. A self-ascribed Plant Groupie. She was there for one purpose, to bang Plant. She did get some pics with him and kissed him a bit (there is pictorial evidence). That's when we first knew plant was at our hotel. I am still in touch with her today. She is an art teacher in a Chesapeake VA area school district. 

On another side note, I met his security chief at the hotel too. Big scary British guy. But very pleasant. When we got home, I posted some pics on social media and a British friend who lives in LA sent me a couple pics back with him and the security chief in the pics. Come to find out my friend and he grew up together in Liverpool, England.

Small world, but I wouldn’t want to paint it.

@roxy54 ”Saved” is a great choice for this topic! 👍

Meg Remy of US Girls, via a semi-recent Dylan-related interview, turned me on to a Dylan song that I’d never heard before, one from right before this unfortunate turn in his work (this being adjacent to that era, I’d never bothered to check it out) and that song was “Changing of the Guards” from Street Legal.

I thought that was such a great song.

My entry here: When Willie Nelson collaborated with Toby Keith on “Beer for my Horses.”
