Question for Weiss Dac 501 Owners

This Thursday I have a Weiss 501 coming to my home. This piece has a lot of functionality and I am intrigued by the digital signal processing abilities and different filters that can be used. Does anyone with this piece of gear use  the digital signal processing functions? If yes, what has been your experience? I am a long time Roon user also




I have.  Their are certain recordings I have that I like to run the DSPs on and depending on how I am listening, I will use different functions. 

If I am listening at low levels, I turn on loudness.  If I am listening to 80's hair metal or other poorly recorded music that lacks bass (Metallica before black album, Motley Crue's early stuff like Shout at the Devil) I have a DSP that is a bass boost to correct for the absence.  

My room is open on either side so I tend not to have a bump in bass at 120hz so I don't use that but that will change when I move I bet.  Certain bad recordings (usually bootlegs) I will turn on the d'esser.  I will admit I do not use and do not like vinyl mode.  

The DSPs are very easily accessed via a web browser.  You just put the IP address in and it takes you to the page.  The IP address is easily retrieved via the setup menu.  Takes like 10 seconds to get it.  

Hi Larry,

as mentioned by verdantaudio, once you have created and saved your DSP-setting profiles you can assign them to your remote (number 1 - x).

I personally don't use it, as my listening room is quite good and the overall chain neutral as well. 

D'esser may help with some "bright" vocals, but I prefer to fix the source and not getting EQ-crazy ;-)

P.S.: I've just sent my 501 to Switzerland, because I get my upgrade 4ch upgrade, which I'm quite excited, after talking with Daniel & Joschka Weiss. It will be around €2.800 ... here are the details. I'll not using 4channel feature, but the overall update on the analogue section will be the next level for the 501 ;-)

I tried out the DSP features when I first got the DAC, but ended up preferring the base sound the best. Still, I love having options and like that I could try it out more in the future.