Your last concert was to see who and when?

Pretty simple, what and when was your last concert?

Chris Botti at the Ikeda Theater in April. Great acoustics and outstanding performance!

@rpeluso - I've been experiencing the same thing; so many shows this year that I would have jumped on tickets immediately in another time, I'm just passing on now. Just too wary of a lot of people packed together inside. And I turned 70 last year, so that might be a factor as well....  Not long ago, I'd be good for 30-40 gigs per year.

09 May 2022

Figaro at Vienna State Opera

The orchestra was loud

Bengtsonn was a ravishing Countess


Tonight! 9/24/2022 - Joan Osborne - Ludlow Garage - Cincinnati, Ohio

Wow! Fantastic show! That girl has got "it".

Kansas at Wild Horse Pass Casino in AZ earlier this month. Really good as usual.