Why Music Has Lost it’s Charms (Article)

I found this article while surfing the web tonight. If it’s already been posted I apologize.



Music is fine and more than enough, you choose the genre and era. Whatever pleases you.

What changes is style, labels, musicians, production, media, management.

Still love the music i grew up but anything new is refreshing. Music has not lost its charm but the myths around it (are we growing older?).

The article author is described above as 'myopic'.

That's about right.

All he is saying is that he doesn't 'get' current music.  Nor do I, but that's no reason for spilling ink.  Fact is that current music appears to be just as popular as old music.  The author's opinion is his opinion and I for one found reading his bigoted article a waste of time.

Roll over Beethoven, as has been said.

I think we have heard this lament time and time again, as others have said.

I’m a vinyl guy, but couldn’t live without my Tidal-Roon combination that exposes me to new music daily. There is a constant wave of great new music coming out consistently, and it isn’t on major labels. 

Artists are finding ways to get music into our hands. Smaller labels are promoting newer bands.  Bands themselves have vehicles to get their music into our hands.

There is so much incredible music out there, if only I had the time to listen to it all.

Hard to face the fact the type of music we grew up with and love is not the most popular music any more. That does not mean that new music in that genre is no longer created, it just is not the dominant mainstream any more. If you grew up and loved rock, you should at least be able to appreciate the likes of Twenty One Pilots, One Republic, even Imagine Dragons.

People forget that the Beatles came on the scene only 15 year after the release of the LP. Having recorded music in the home was not even common place till well into the 50's.