Why Music Has Lost it’s Charms (Article)

I found this article while surfing the web tonight. If it’s already been posted I apologize.



Showing 9 responses by larsman

As Bob Seger would say, the music today just doesn't have the same old soul. 

Bob Seger did say it, and he said it about 70's music, as that's when he put that out. Was he talking about his own 'today's music', too, or did he just mean everybody else's?

I disagreed 100% with that sentiment then, and I still do today. Just goes to show that people have been complaining about 'today's music' for a lot of decades now. 

There is plenty of great new music being created constantly; just takes a little longer to find what you like. I agree that the business is totally different from what it was - I used to work in the retail and wholesale end of the biz from '74 - '84 - it was a lot more fun then, and the execs could often be as loony as the artists. 

Personally, I couldn't care less if some muso is a virtuoso or not - all I care about is they play well enough to serve the song. If they can't write good songs, they're worthless to me. If I never hear another drum solo/bass solo again, I'll be very happy. And electronic instrumentation is every bit as valid as "real" instruments. 

And more lust and more dope, PLEASE!!!

@cd318 - I wouldn't negate the nostalgia factor; there's still a lot of older people around, and most of them are not going to be listening to much of anything newer than the 70's or 80's. You can see that on a lot of forums.... 

Wow, this guy sure has a lot of time to have listened to all 'commercial music of today', whatever that is - I guess the music he likes is not intended to be sold - and make a blanket condemnation of all of it.

Or is it more "I don't like it so it's horrible and ugly!!!". Never seen that attitude before....🤣

I'm almost 71, I don't like jazz and am not much into classical, so I am proud to have listened to just junk and have no idea what good music is!! 🤣🤣🤣

'Some guy on the internet'  who wrote this:

We dont need "a flag to be proud of " to unite all those who, like larsman because they never had any musical education and evolution, think that their apparent "freedom" to choose the only musical world that they know is not unbeknownst to them, an direct expression of their own mental chains....

knows nothing about me but sure knows how to write long-winded, boring posts.