low bass response

My system, which is shown on my profile, does not seem to produce the low bass I would expect it to.  I listen near field, and my room is 13'x30'x9'....in your experience, is this most likely due to my room and near field position?


13 feet is very narrow.  There isn't room for enough air around the speakers.  Consider turning listening area 90 degrees and put speakers along one end of the longer wall.

Not sure subs are the answer either in this very small compromised space.

I would take the electronics out of the cupboard and put on conventional racks.  Move the cupboard to the other end of the room away from the sound action.  Use the emptied shelves for more LPs!!

You have the real-estate  so I would put the equipment  on the floor. On thick dense boards. On spikes. I would place the speakes on fits from the side wall and thirds from the end wall. Quarters  if you want mid bass. I would look at your receptacle s. I looked for bass in my new room I had nothing and I mean nothing changed out the industrial  20 a.p plugs for furutech  plugs started with the ones at the amps and I got some bass. Did the ones at the side where the rest of the equipment  is got a bunch more. I was shocked at the difference  in bass as well as transparency.  Guess your shelves us the receptacle s are causing the problem. Speaker placement  on thirds the speakers need to be almost 11 feet out into the room on foths you need to be six feet out into the room give them room to breathe.  A d yes treat first and second reflection  points I like mainly diffusion with just a small amount of suction I tent to like the sound of a live room and dislike  a dead over absorbed  room you will need a bit of absorption  though. Basically  in my opinion  you have to go find your bass you don't have to spend any huge amount  of money you need to find it. You have good gear and nothing needed there just have to find the bass. Powercords maybe the problem  as well. But I would look at that way  way down the list. 



Thank you all

my space is immutable, as is the cabinet…I am happy w the sound, just lacks lowest bass, <35 hz

no worries!

so, "hear" is a question I dont understand....I do understand that low frequency waves require space, but what I dont understand  is what is invovled in hearing and measuring them....for instance, if you put on a 20hz test tone, and put the db meter close to the woofers, should you be able to measure there, or only at certain distnaces?