Krell k-300i vs Rega Osiris, integrated

This is a long shot, but I wonder if anyone has directly compared these two integrateds. The Krell operates primarily in class A. The Osiris, apparently not. I've heard the Krell and it has awesome power. I've never had the opportunity to hear the Osiris but people say it has unique qualities. I've been intrigued by the Osiris for years and I've come to realize that I will probably never hear it unless I buy it. 


@rfprice The 125XD was what I was thinking of getting at first because it was cheaper. However, I was able to do a trade-in for the 175XD. If I was able at the time, I would have bought the used 300XD that I linked to.

The number in front of the XD represents the number of watts. So, 125, 175, and 300 watts of Class A. Now this is the iBias Class A that I think sounds amazing.

My 175 sounds better than the 90 in my old K-300i integrated but that is really not an apple-to-apples comparison.

With regards to the DAC. I strongly suggest you try the LA4 preamp in front of your DAC (30-day trial). I am almost certain that it will be better than DAC direct to amp, even if your DAC had more power to drive an amp. The pre is small in size and the quality of sound compared to DAC direct was really easy to hear. This is especially true at low volume levels.


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On the k-300i, did you ever test the XLR vs RCA inputs? Was their any difference in sound quality?

@rfprice I think I used my Sony tuner on the RCA and a few DACs on the XLR so not a comparable setup.

I sold my K-300i to buy the KRELL Duo 175XD. The guy who bought my K-300i is going to sell it. Send me a DM if you want to connect with him.