Krell k-300i vs Rega Osiris, integrated

This is a long shot, but I wonder if anyone has directly compared these two integrateds. The Krell operates primarily in class A. The Osiris, apparently not. I've heard the Krell and it has awesome power. I've never had the opportunity to hear the Osiris but people say it has unique qualities. I've been intrigued by the Osiris for years and I've come to realize that I will probably never hear it unless I buy it. 


Showing 4 responses by rfprice


I see in another thread that you have the Krell Duo 125 XD? What is your impression? Is it the same sound as the 300i, only "better"? This could be an option for me also if I could control it with my DAC volume. 

@akg_ca Thanks for this. I've read the reviews many times over. I love everything I'm seeing and hope to hear it someday. Let me know if you feel like the time has come to let it go.  😉



You're right, noise from the DAC is something to worry about. I'm trying to go smaller with the system, so I'd like to forgo a preamp. I know many people are having good luck with their DACs, but mine has a low voltage output, only 1.4 vrims.  I've only once been able to experiment with the DAC volume, by using the HT bypass through my integrated. The results were poor. The integrated sounded much much better through its own preamp section than the DAC output. 


Still, I can't help but be curious about the 125 XD. It's 25w less than the 300i, but it should be overall more sophisticated, no? 



On the k-300i, did you ever test the XLR vs RCA inputs? Was their any difference in sound quality?