Competitive class D amp suggestions

I have been Class D fun since a few years ago when i bought my first class D amp. I like the concept, in general, and all the attractive features of this class of amplifiers. I tried 4 different ones, currently i  stayed with one of them that i consider to be the best among all four amps. I do enjoy and like it. At the same time,  my 5 watts SET amplifier (with more than 100 times higher distortion according to the specs) gives more natural and (surprisingly) notably cleaner sound (THD of the class D amp is 0.001). The soundstage  of the class D amp is not so bad but that of the tube one is still better.   

I remain attracted by class D amps though. 

Any fresh suggestions on reasonably priced class D amps (i mean excluding  non-reasonably priced class D amps, e.g., Merrill amplifiers)?

Any comments on non-reasonably priced class D amps are also welcome (so far i was not able to audition many class D amps and am curious if there are some which could really compete with Class A). 


Step by step, it can be more relevant now to compare an AGD amplifier with LSA Voyager GaN350. I didn't see any negative feedback on the Voyager so far on Audiogon  from people who own it (including myself), whereas I read some on an AGD amp (that costs a few times more). Once we know what are objective advantages of AGD over the Voyager (if there are some), we may consider other more expensive candidates; otherwise, it seems to be just a kind of subjective  speculation. 

Thanks agdproduction I'll have to see if my dealer can get one in for evaluation. I've been waiting over 3 months for the Atmasphere amp and each time they say it's almost ready another 3 - 4 weeks go by and nothing. 


for sound quality among class d/gan fet amps, for me it is agd - one and done

bargain seekers may look at other less costly models if they are on the hunt for better value... but that would be the reason for the hunt, not sound quality... imho

caveat -- i have not yet heard ralph’s new amp which seems to a head to head competitor to alberto’s...