Threshold Stasis 5.0 preamp

I bought this second hand, but the supplied remote  does not work

I have emailed Threshold for a remote or the hex codes, but they refused to help

Can anyone assist as it is not on Logitech data base (for example)? 

If I knew the hex codes I can get a remote purpose built, but fat chance if Threshold are being pillocks



I was surprised to see that it wasn't listed in the Logitech database. Are you sure that your remote is defective and that the problem is not in the preamp's IR receiver? One way to check might be if you can find a Threshold dealer with a functioning remote, or a preamp on which you could test your remote.

Post removed 

And, by the way, I am NOT Russian. I am English. My ex wife was Russian and I was married to her when I joined Audiogon many years ago. I could not find the 5.0 on the Logitech database

@tatyana69 sorry you had to endure that lowbrow comment @lordmelton 

I think he is a British Ex Pat that lives in Thailand. Wonder why??? 

This is the most unhelpful reply  anyone might expect from a supplier - Threshold

Do they deserve any loyalty?

"Thank you for your inquiry.  We are not allowed to give out such information.  That is a company policy. "