Threshold Stasis 5.0 preamp

I bought this second hand, but the supplied remote  does not work

I have emailed Threshold for a remote or the hex codes, but they refused to help

Can anyone assist as it is not on Logitech data base (for example)? 

If I knew the hex codes I can get a remote purpose built, but fat chance if Threshold are being pillocks



Showing 2 responses by tatyana69

This is the most unhelpful reply  anyone might expect from a supplier - Threshold

Do they deserve any loyalty?

"Thank you for your inquiry.  We are not allowed to give out such information.  That is a company policy. "


And, by the way, I am NOT Russian. I am English. My ex wife was Russian and I was married to her when I joined Audiogon many years ago. I could not find the 5.0 on the Logitech database